NetApp on NetApp

Category - CloudOne

TL;DR | CloudOne Goals Met (Pt. 2)

In part two of this 11-part series, IT Sr. Director of Platform, Cloud and Infrastructure Services Michael J. Morris outlines the four key goals set at the beginning of NetApp IT’s CloudOne journey, and the efforts the CloudOne team has made...

TL;DR | Introducing CloudOne (Pt. 1)

To kick off an exclusive NetApp IT 11-part video series on NetApp’s internal hybrid multicloud, IT Sr. Director of Platform, Cloud and Infrastructure Services Michael J. Morris introduces our CloudOne platform for DevOps application creation and...

How to provide Container as a Service (6 minute demo)

At the 2020 NetApp INSIGHT™ Digital Event, Senior DevOps Engineer Jonathan Fair demonstrated the Container as a Service (CaaS) offering inside NetApp.   Continuous Integration (CI), Continuous Deployment (CD), and DevSecOps are often used to...

NetApp IT’s Journey from Monolith to Microservices

Like many companies, NetApp runs some old, large enterprise applications that are maintained like zombies. Barely kept alive, these apps are important to the company yet are complicated to keep updated and expensive to support. IT leaders...

TL;DR | Core Capabilities of CloudOne

In this NetApp on NetApp TL;DR (too long; didn’t read), Enterprise Cloud Architect Kamal Vyas explains the six core capabilities of NetApp IT’s hybrid cloud platform for DevOps, referred to as CloudOne, and how it enables developers to...

The Hybrid Cloud Platform Inside NetApp and its -aaS Options

NetApp IT has built a hybrid cloud platform, called CloudOne, that is powered by NetApp technology and allows application developers to build cloud native applications using microservices architectures running in containers. The platform provides...

CloudOne: Hybrid Cloud at NetApp

As applications rapidly migrate to public and private clouds, application developers are expecting more from traditional, enterprise infrastructure teams. Simply providing servers and storage in a corporate data center, even in a cost-effective way...