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NetApp IT Automation Use Case for Trident, OpenShift and Ansible

Thursday 22 April 2021
7 am PT // 4 pm CET

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Like other organizations, NetApp IT is constantly looking for ways to improve operational efficiency and automate delivery for the hybrid cloud world. Using NetApp Trident, a fully automated persistent storage provisioner for Red Hat OpenShift, NetApp IT can quickly spin up compute resources for containerized applications while doing the same for storage. The team also uses Red Hat Ansible Automation to maintain the desired state configuration on thousands of servers to eliminate hours of manual effort. In this month's NetApp on NetApp INFORM Session, learn how IT leverages NetApp Trident, along with Red Hat Ansible and OpenShift technologies, to embrace automation and improve the efficiency of IT services. NetApp IT adopted dynamic provisioning solutions to support its in-house storage technologies, as well as its CloudOne DevOps platform. Join us to discover how NetApp IT reduced the number of tickets, support touch time, and process complexity and receive tips to automate and reduce the time you spend on managing infrastructure.

About the Speaker

As a Senior IT Systems Engineer, Dave is responsible for managing the IT UNIX environment, including implementing IT automation using Ansible, maintaining the use of Docker in the production environment, and leveraging OpenStack.

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