NetApp on NetApp

Tag - Spot

WEBINAR | NetApp IT’s Spot Use Case

NetApp IT’s goal in the cloud, like many IT shops, was to develop and deploy software without hardware constraints, service business applications on-demand, and downsize data center footprint. Along with those capabilities, the team was well...

CASE STUDY | NetApp makes public cloud cost possible with Spot

NetApp IT’s goal in the cloud was straightforward: develop and deploy software without hardware constraints, serve business applications on-demand, and downsize their data center footprint. Along with those capabilities NetApp IT was looking to...

TL;DR | NetApp IT’s Spot Use Case

Prior to NetApp acquiring, NetApp IT had adopted Spot in their operations running corporate business applications. In this TL;DR, Senior Director of NetApp IT Platform, Cloud, and Infrastructure Mike Morris shares the team’s results.

INFOGRAPHIC | NetApp’s Spot Use Case

More cloud. Less cost. Prior to NetApp’s recent acquisition of Spot, two of its IT teams had adopted Spot in their operations: Product Engineering for Cloud Volumes ONTAP test automation and NetApp IT for corporate business applications. Both...