NetApp on NetApp

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NetApp IT Giveaway: Win a $100 Amazon Gift Card!

Did you catch the NetApp IT sessions during NetApp INSIGHT’s Digital Event? GIVEAWAY CLOSED. Winners have been notified. Thanks for participating! Test your knowledge based on the info shared by NetApp’s own IT pros for a chance to win a...

Book a Virtual VIP Meeting with IT Leaders

In your efforts to move existing deals and open new opportunities, CIO Bill Miller and his leadership team can offer unique insights on how IT uses NetApp’s own technology to simplify, automate, and cloudify the enterprise. Schedule a virtual VIP...

NEW EBOOKS: Building A Cloud Aware Enterprise

NetApp IT recently shared two new eBooks detailing the strategies and tactics employed to achieve a cloud-aware enterprise. Targeted toward IT leaders such as C-suite executives, Building A Cloud-Aware Enterprise details the strategy behind NetApp...