The NetApp IT team recognizes that Cloud, DevOps, XaaS (anything as a service), and technologies like Ansible are changing the way modern applications consume storage and how IT delivers these services. Storage engineers will no longer handhold application architects and DBAs, or manually configure and provide custom storage volumes, LUNs, or arrays. Instead, they will use automation and define infrastructure through code. This has led to an evolution in enterprise storage management. Learn how NetApp IT has navigated this change and how it has positioned its engineers to adopt new skills and serve the storage needs brought upon by new expectations.
About the Speaker
Eduardo Rivera is the Senior Manager of Storage Services and leads the team who designs, architects, and deploys data storage services at NetApp IT.
NetApp on NetApp Webinar for Partners
This webinar demonstrates how the NetApp IT team uses its own NetApp products to simplify, automate, and/or cloudify their IT operations. The information in this presentation is proprietary to NetApp, though intended for external audiences. All rights reserved.
Click here to view the slides and written transcript of this recorded presentation.