NetApp on NetApp

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Spot Ocean offers scalability and cost savings for NetApp IT

It seems like everyone talks about how cloud solutions reduce costs, increase efficiency, and make automation possible. However, when you drill into the available solutions, you find that many of them require significant ramp-up time or startup...

TL;DR | CloudOne Operating Model (Pt. 10)

In part ten of this 11-part series, IT Sr. Director of Platform, Cloud, and Infrastructure Services Michael J. Morris shares lessons learned from NetApp IT’s experience building the CloudOne hybrid multicloud platform. Learn the importance of...

WEBINAR | NetApp IT’s Spot Use Case

NetApp IT’s goal in the cloud, like many IT shops, was to develop and deploy software without hardware constraints, service business applications on-demand, and downsize data center footprint. Along with those capabilities, the team was well...

TL;DR | Selling the CloudOne Vision (Pt. 9)

In part nine of this 11-part series, IT Sr. Director of Platform, Cloud, and Infrastructure Services Michael J. Morris shares how the team got started with CloudOne and how other IT shops can begin building their own hybrid multicloud platform...

TL;DR | DevOps Security in CloudOne (Pt. 8)

In part eight of this 11-part series, IT Sr. Director of Platform, Cloud, and Infrastructure Services Michael J. Morris explains how security is build into the CloudOne hybrid multicloud platform, providing secure applications and secure application...

TL;DR | CloudOne Results (Pt. 7)

In part seven of this 11-part series, IT Sr. Director of Platform, Cloud, and Infrastructure Services Michael J. Morris shares results and benefits realized through NetApp IT’s journey to CloudOne, including Tier-1 app support and significant...

All Roads Lead to Infrastructure Automation

The NetApp IT team recognizes that Cloud, DevOps, XaaS (anything as a service), and technologies like Ansible are changing the way modern applications consume storage and how IT delivers these services. Storage engineers will no longer handhold...

TL;DR | DevOps Architecture in CloudOne (Pt. 6)

In part six of this 11-part series, IT Sr. Director of Platform, Cloud and Infrastructure Services Michael J. Morris explains NetApp IT’s CloudOne DevOps Service. CloudOne provides application developments teams with a full developer...

TL;DR | DevOps Maturity (Pt. 5)

In part five of this 11-part series, IT Sr. Director of Platform, Cloud and Infrastructure Services Michael J. Morris discusses DevOps maturity, and how NetApp IT measures its own maturity inside of CloudOne. Learn how your IT shop measures up and...