NetApp on NetApp

CIO Perspective at INSIGHT 2019: A Call to Action for Cloud Era IT Leaders

Enterprises around the world are driving digital transformation to accelerate business success. In today’s Cloud Era, IT Leaders face new challenges that are more complex than ever. We have the choice of disrupting ourselves by leveraging new technology, or being disrupted. This session assessed top challenges IT Leaders face today, and discussed key disruptive technology trends IT Leaders must consider as they navigate digital transformation in a Cloud Era.

As SVP and CIO, Bill Miller is responsible for business application solution management and delivery across NetApp. With a multicloud, business enablement strategy, Bill works closely with his global IT peers and business partners to focus on end-to-end planning, execution and delivery of business capabilities. In his breakout session at INSIGHT Las Vegas 2019, Bill shares his perspective. Check out the presentation in the video above.