NetApp on NetApp

Cloud-Friendly HCI, AFF and StorageGRID Perfect for NetApp’s Private Cloud

One of the main priorities for our IT shop in 2019 is to deliver rapid, frequent business software capabilities through automation and cloud technologies. In a recent NetApp IT eBook called Building A Cloud-Aware Enterprise, we shared the vision of our Next Generation Data Center (NGDC) as a software-controlled and orchestrated development platform to build and run cloud-aware applications using DevOps and CI/CD delivery models.

The goal of the NGDC is to track and manage cloud costs with visibility across our multi-cloud enterprise. We will focus on taking advantage of the elastic, burstable capability of the public cloud with its variable cost model, or the fixed cost structure of our private cloud. Either option requires dial tone-like infrastructure that is scalable and supports microservices and containers.

See how we accomplished this using HCI, StorageGRID and All Flash FAS on the NetApp blog.