NetApp on NetApp

Why Adopt DevOps When Building a Cloud Aware Enterprise

Michael Morris, senior director for technology, strategy, and innovation in NetApp IT, is responsible for building and running the technology platform that allows IT software developers to use DevOps. In his new blog, he details lessons learned when addressing DevOps implementation challenges within a cloud-aware enterprise and how NetApp’s cloud-friendly technologies take part:

In our blog series Building A Cloud Aware Enterprise, we detailed NetApp IT’s path to a software-defined, cloud-based data center with end-to-end DevOps workflow automation. We call this our Next Generation Data Center (NGDC). As the senior director for technology, strategy, and innovation within the infrastructure team, my role is to build and run the technology platform to allow our software developers to use DevOps.

Our NGDC includes three major environments: developer tools, platform software, and Infrastructure-as-a-Service. The DevOps workflows are automated across all three environments. This allows software developers to push and pull source code, choose application stacks, run CI/CD workflows, and rapidly produce business results. Ultimately, developers are expected to create cloud-aware applications on NGDC, which uses microservices architectures, running in containers, in infrastructure-agnostic designs so they are cloud-portable between public cloud providers and private cloud. Inside NGDC, we can route application workloads to whatever cloud we want to use.

Catch the full article here.