NetApp on NetApp

NetApp IT’s Journey from Monolith to Microservices

Like many companies, NetApp runs some old, large enterprise applications that are maintained like zombies. Barely kept alive, these apps are important to the company yet are complicated to keep updated and expensive to support. IT leaders responsible for the developers who focus on custom business app development inside NetApp know firsthand the challenges of rebuilding customized apps that are founded on monolithic architectures. In this eBook, NetApp’s own IT practitioners explain their experience rebuilding the NetApp Support site using a microservices-based approach developed with DevOps principles.

This effort required collaboration and support from various levels, but was worth the effort and proved to be a great experience for the custom app development team in NetApp IT. Download and share this eBook at the link below to learn how the team determined what technologies to use in our microservices architecture, what choices worked well, and what mistakes were made along the way.

New eBook: NetApp IT’s Journey from Monolith to Microservices